
Residential & Homeowner Interior Painting

Whether interior or exterior, it is a primary rule in the painting profession that a “paint job” will be only as good as the prep work that precedes it. And indeed, poor or inadequate prep work is the primary reason for unsatisfactory results, or in some cases, catastrophic failures.

Peeling, flaking, fading, bubbling, blistering, checking, sagging, wrinkling—there is a lot that can go wrong, which is why our 3-year guarantee for both labor & materials is unsurpassed in an industry where 1-year “limited warranties” are the norm both nationally and among Madison painting companies.

Our guarantee is as an extraordinary value and assurance for you—and we can offer it because before we apply any paint to your interior surfaces, we always:

  • Protect your furniture, floors, and trim work with drop cloths, tape, and plastic
  • Remove switch & outlet covers, as well as any other hardware
  • Clean surfaces of any dirt and debris
  • Repair nail holes, cracks, and other imperfections as required
  • Apply only premium paint & materials using only PDCA-approved techniques, practices, and standards

As well, the Career Painters we send to your home will be friendly, courteous, and respectful of your property. They will tidy the workspace at the end of each day, and clean up completely and thoroughly when your project is completed.


Need more information?

Ask about these general services and special techniques:


General Services

  • Madison Interior Residential Painting
  • Madison Exterior Residential Painting
  • Madison Interior Commercial Painting
  • Madison Exterior Commercial Painting

Special Techniques

  • High-Pressure Exterior Washing

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What Our Clients Say

Hi Bob,

I just wanted to tell you that I love the new paint on my garage. It turned out great! You have all been so great to work with and the job was done so quick.

I'm glad I caught you before you got really really busy. Tell Dan he left the roping that he used to hold up the bush by the side of the garage. I just hung it up on the gate and he can pick it up someone when he's in the area.

So, thanks again to you and the rest of the staff. Happy bowling! Stop by and see my new garage ... you'll be pleased.

Smiles to you,

-Lynn Johnson,